Match your prices with any competitor

With our advanced scraping system, we can extract product information from any website. We analyse and process the data from all your competitors multiple times a day to have extensive pricing, stock, and other insights ready for you. Additionally, it's possible to respond to changes in pricing on your competitors' websites in real-time with webhooks.

A quick overview of all your products

See what your competitor is doing with our product insights. With these controls, it's easy to view your competitors' actions, append competitors to your products and manually validate your smart-price. Seeing anything that does not match up? Then simply click the report button and we will make sure it is resolved as soon as possible.

Desk chair SKU 34320-43200 In stock Lowest price€ 510 Highest price€ 560 Smart price€ 495
Competitor Price Stock Last update
my store€ 4955 minutes ago€ 5101 hour ago€ 524-40 minutes ago€ 5602 hour ago

Automatic currency conversion

We automatically convert from every currency to any currency to broaden your range on the market. We synchronise our currency-rates multiple times a day with official currency exchange websites to give you the most accurate prices possible.

Dynamic pricing rules

Don't just be the cheapest in the market; leverage your prices based on brand, type, stock, and the status of your competitors' stock. With your pricing strategy, one group of products can win market share with cheap prices, and another group with already known products can make more profit with an average price placement.

1 RuleSet price equal to the average price with status in stock TagChairs Matches120
2 RuleSet price € 0,50 lower as the lowest price with status in stock All productsIn stock with competitor Matches506
3 RuleSet price equal to the average price with status any All products Matches54

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